Community News – January 2020
by presmbp | May 8, 2020 | Community News

Community News – January 2020
It is our hope that everyone had wonderful holidays and were able to spend time with friends and loved ones. Your volunteer community Board of Directors is very proud of all that we were able to accomplish in 2019 and are excited to move forward with more projects in 2020.
2019 Accomplishments
- The work to replace the wooden shakes/shingles with a more durable and long lasting product was completed early in the year. We hope that you are all as pleased as we are with the positive impact that this has had on our overall property appearance.
- Annual pressure cleaning of walk ways was completed.
- As requested by the City of Orlando, work was completed to ensure that all of our drainage areas and lake were returned to the original grade from 35 years ago and sod replaced. This will ensure that we continue to have efficient storm drainage.
- Following a hold for plant replacement due to the mansard replacement work, we were able to begin our rotation of plant replacement through the courts. We are currently in our winter pause for this work and will begin again in March or April.
- We completed a property wide assessment of the health of our trees and completed work to remove trees or branches which were unhealthy or unsafe. As our property ages, this will likely need to become an annual event.
- We completed our rotation of painting the exterior of 13 buildings per year with buildings 52-63 being painted this year.
- Our pool was completely resurfaced this year and was updated to a more current product and color for the pool surface as well as tile.
- All of our street signage as well as our Community sign on the corner was replaced with new posts and signage which conveys all of our needed information in more concise format. The signs look great and should last for years to come.
- New and more professional looking signs were purchased and installed around our lake to notify all that fishing/swimming/trespassing is not permitted.
- Lounge chairs at the pool were refurbished with new fabric.
- A task calendar was created so that we can ensure that tasks which need to be done on a regular basis are completed.
- Older exterior building light fixtures were replaced across the property with a brighter light fixture.
- A property wide replacement of broken wheel stops was completed.
2020 Goals
- We are currently contracting a vendor to complete a Wind Mitigation study for all of our buildings on property. Once completed, it is our hope that the certifications will allow for discounts to our association insurance policies. The same documents/certificates should be able to be used by individual owners to obtain discounts on their personal insurance policies. Updates to follow on this work.
- Investigate more durable products or options for replacing our wooden fences.
- Investigate a new electronic access for our recreation areas which would allow better control of facility use.
- Investigate options and cost of video/photographic surveillance of our entrances.
- Update Pool bathrooms.
- Investigate options and cost for replacement of pool deck surface.
- Investigate options and cost for replacement of pool umbrellas.
- Continue rotation of painting the exterior of buildings.
- Complete restoration of concrete drives for 3 courts on the property. The remaining courts will be restored in subsequent years.
- Identify appropriate vendor and begin work to restore balconies (where needed) and paint balcony railings using a method that will improve the appearance and extend the useful life of these assets.
- Repair, Replace, or remove as needed traffic posts across the property. Research will be done to identify a possible better and affordable solution than the wooden posts for the future.
Rules and Regulations Reminders
Our property is looking great with improvements and with the efforts of many in our community to follow the rules and ensure that their unit does not detract from the overall appearance of our property. Unfortunately, not all owners or their tenants are following the rules and guidelines. We, the Board of Directors, have asked the Property Manager to take a more assertive role to frequently walk the property, identify rule violations, send notifications, and ensure compliance. This new process is ensuring that violations are identified and corrected more quickly. Through this process, we have found and most owners or tenants have taken immediate action when they become aware that they are violating the rules. This is fantastic and we are appreciative!! Unfortunately, not all are taking action which leads us to seek legal assistance for enforcement which costs us all money. Please, if notified of a violation, correct it quickly. If you need clarification, immediately contact the Property Manager via website or phone. Please ensure that you, or your tenants, are fully knowledgeable about our rules and regulations. They can all be found and printed from the “Documents” tab on this website.